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Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

“My back and neck hurt after I was injured in a car accident, but I don’t know if I should hire a lawyer since I am not the type of person who sues.”

Sean McQuaid

At my office in St. Petersburg, I frequently hear this statement from people who are injured in a car or motorcycle accident that wasn’t their fault. Many people have the misconception that hiring a lawyer only means suing the person who caused the accident. Sometimes prospective clients relate to the other party and believe that, given similar circumstances, they could be in the same position as the person who caused the accident. They like to justify this position by believing that someone else would have empathy for them. However, making a claim against an at-fault person’s insurance for the injuries sustained in an accident is much different from filing a lawsuit. Under Florida law, the opposing insurance company has a good faith obligation to compensate you for your injuries. Because of this obligation, most cases settle without a lawsuit and with no negative repercussions to the other driver. In fact, the other driver frequently doesn’t even know that you made a claim and that it was settled. Since most injuries from car or motorcycle accidents are soft tissue, often the only way to obtain an accurate diagnosis is to see a doctor and get an MRI. The costs for these services are covered under your own no-fault insurance and should not raise your rates. Therefore, there should be no hesitation to contact a lawyer and get your injuries checked out. I am happy to discuss your car or motorcycle accident questions. Please contact me at or (727)381-2300.

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